- “Family Size” bag of chips that contains exactly three handfuls of air and five chips.
- Shampoo bottles with “New Formula!” which is just… less shampoo and more water.
- Restaurants that serve “deconstructed” meals—so you pay $20 to assemble your own sandwich.
- Limited Edition snacks that were never actually in high demand to begin with.
- Phone companies slowing down your old model the second a new one drops—like a toxic ex who wants you to move on.
- “Buy One, Get One Free”—but they quietly raised the price of the first one.
- That one tiny scoop of ice cream inside a massive, deep waffle cone—it’s all a trap.
- A restaurant serving “organic water”—as if non-organic water grows on trees.
- “No Artificial Flavors!”—but somehow it still tastes like melted plastic.
- Those gigantic coffee cups that are 70% cup, 30% actual coffee.
- “One Size Fits All”—until you realize you’re either wearing a tent or a sausage casing.
- “New & Improved” packaging—translation: we made it smaller but kept the price the same.
- A toothpaste tube that looks massive but only has one inch of actual toothpaste inside.
- “Now With More Chocolate Chips!”—but they just zoomed in on the picture.
- Fancy bottled water that’s literally just filtered tap water—sometimes from your own city.
- Makeup brands selling “travel-size” versions… for the same price as full-size.
- A hotel “ocean view” room where you can only see the ocean if you hang off the balcony at a 45-degree angle.
- “Gluten-Free!”—on bottled water.
- “New Look, Same Great Taste!”—so basically, nothing changed except the label.
- Instant noodles that say “serves two”—for who? A hamster?
- Smart TVs that come with 67 different pre-installed apps, but none of them are the one you actually use.
- “Handcrafted burgers”—as if there was an alternative where they use their feet.
- Gift cards that lose value over time—like they’re aging milk instead of money.
- Phone charging cables that break faster than your willpower at a buffet.
- A “meal prep” kit that just sends you an onion, a carrot, and disappointment.
- A car dealership that says “No Hidden Fees”—but then adds $800 for “paperwork processing.”
- Fast food ads featuring burgers that look like Michelangelo sculpted them—but yours looks like it got sat on in transit.
- “Free Shipping!”—but only if you spend $200 on socks.
- Streaming services removing your favorite show right before you finish it.
- “95% Fat-Free!”—which means it’s actually just 5% fat but 100% a scam.
- Health bars that have more sugar than an actual candy bar.
- Luxury hand soap that smells like lavender and bankruptcy.
- “Doctor Recommended!”—but which doctor? Dr. Phil? Dr. Pepper? We need names.
- “Loyalty Rewards”—but you have to spend $5,000 before they give you a free keychain.
- “Waterproof Mascara”—until you sneeze and suddenly look like a raccoon with abandonment issues.
- “Low Carb Bread”—which is just sad cardboard with a wheat aftertaste.
- Furniture assembly instructions that look like they were written in ancient hieroglyphics.
- “Unlimited Data”—but after 2GB, they throttle your internet to the speed of dial-up in 1998.
- “Supports Small Businesses!”—until you realize it’s actually owned by a megacorporation.
- “Sugar-Free Gummies”—that come with a legally required warning about “digestive distress.”
- Cereal boxes that are 25% empty but still charge you for the air.
- “Vegan Leather”—so… plastic.
- “Cruelty-Free” stickers on sponges—like we were all concerned about sponge rights.
- Subscription boxes where you get one good item and four things you’ll immediately re-gift.
- “Zero Calories!”—but only because the serving size is one molecule.
And yet… we still fall for them. Every. Single. Time. 😂