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20 People Who Posted ‘Missed Connections’ and Actually Heard Back

The Missed Connections section of the internet is a beautiful place where romance, regret, and sheer confusion collide. It’s where people say, “I saw you in the produce aisle holding a cucumber. Was it destiny?” and hope the other person was equally invested in that moment.

Most of these posts disappear into the void, but every once in a while, fate—or boredom—intervenes, and someone actually replies. These are their stories.

1. The Barista Who Stole a Heart… and $5

“To the barista at Java Junction, you wrote ‘Have a nice day’ on my cup and smiled. I think we had a moment.”
Update: She replied. Turns out, she writes that on every cup. But hey, at least he got closure.

2. The Airport Gate Romance

“To the guy at Gate B12 eating an entire family-sized bag of Doritos alone—I felt a deep connection. I was the girl judging you from three seats away.”
Update: He saw the post and responded. They went on a date. She said he’s “exactly as confident as you’d expect from someone who eats like that in public.”

3. The Grocery Store Meetcute

“You were in the cereal aisle, debating between Froot Loops and Raisin Bran. I wanted to tell you: always choose Froot Loops.”
Update: She replied. Turns out, she picked Raisin Bran and has regrets. They went on a breakfast date.

4. The Gym Crush

“To the guy at the gym lifting weights like you were preparing to fight a bear—I was on the treadmill, pretending to exercise while watching you.”
Update: He saw the post. They met up. He admitted he was only lifting so intensely because he spotted his ex with her new boyfriend.

5. The Bus Ride Confession

“To the girl on the 5:15 bus who dropped her phone, picked it up, then dropped it again—I feel like we’re both disasters, and we should be disasters together.”
Update: She responded. They went out for coffee. She dropped her cup. It’s true love.

6. The Coffee Shop Admirer

“To the guy who ordered a ‘large, iced caramel macchiato, extra whip, double shot, but in a small cup’—you are the reason baristas cry, but also, I think I love you.”
Update: He replied. They met. She confirmed that his order is just as frustrating in person.

7. The Wedding Guest Mystery

“To the bridesmaid at my cousin’s wedding who caught the bouquet and looked horrified—let’s discuss our mutual fear of commitment over drinks.”
Update: She accepted. Drinks were had. No bouquets were caught that night.

8. The Library Flirt

“To the guy in the library reading ‘How to Win at Life’—did it teach you how to reply to missed connections?”
Update: He responded. Apparently, Chapter 7 was about taking chances. They met up.

9. The Concert Connection

“To the guy at the concert who yelled ‘THIS IS MY SONG’ to every single song—same. Let’s yell together sometime.”
Update: He replied. They went to another concert. Still no voice left.

10. The Escalator Moment

“To the person on the escalator who turned back and smiled at me—was that fate, or did you just forget something?”
Update: He replied. He did forget something. But they met anyway.

11. The Rainy Day Crush

“To the guy who gave me his umbrella at the bus stop, then ran off dramatically in the rain—I need to return your umbrella. And also, marry you?”
Update: He saw the post. They had dinner. He brought another umbrella, just in case.

12. The Dog Park Romeo

“To the guy at the dog park with the golden retriever—I was the one with the chihuahua who barked at you for 20 minutes. I swear I’m nicer than my dog.”
Update: He replied. They met up. The chihuahua still hates him.

13. The Fast Food Destiny

“To the person in front of me at the drive-thru who paid for my order—was that kindness, or are we meant to be?”
Update: She responded. It was kindness. But they got fries together anyway.

14. The Bookstore Soulmate

“To the woman in the bookstore, passionately debating with the cashier about which Harry Potter house you belong in—you are a Gryffindor, and I’m in love.”
Update: She replied. She’s actually a Hufflepuff. They made it work.

15. The Wrong Number Connection

“To the guy who texted me thinking I was his cousin, but we ended up talking for hours anyway—this is weird, but also, hi.”
Update: He saw the post. They are now dating. The cousin is very confused.

16. The DMV Flirt

“To the guy at the DMV who made a joke about how we’d be there long enough to grow old together—let’s skip the waiting and just get married now.”
Update: He replied. They got coffee. No paperwork required.

17. The Subway Serenade

“To the person on the subway playing the ukulele—I wasn’t sure if I loved the song or just your confidence, but either way, let’s talk.”
Update: He saw it. He played her a song on their first date.

18. The Grocery Line Rescue

“To the guy behind me in line who let me go ahead when I realized I forgot my wallet in the car—you saved me from public embarrassment. Drinks on me?”
Update: He accepted. Drinks were had. Wallet was remembered this time.

19. The Halloween Party Mystery

“To the guy dressed as a giant hotdog at the Halloween party—if you’re half as fun out of costume, call me.”
Update: He called. Turns out, he owns that costume.

20. The Dentist Crush

“To my dentist—this is awkward, but I think I fell in love while you were cleaning my teeth. I couldn’t speak at the time, but please consider this my reply.”
Update: He saw it. They got coffee. She confirmed he’s still good at making people smile.

And there you have it—proof that Missed Connections aren’t just for hopeless romantics and people who don’t understand how direct communication works. Sometimes, fate (or the internet) delivers.

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