
20 Facts That Will Absolutely Demolish Everything You Thought You Knew

  • Goldfish don’t have three-second memories. In fact, they can remember things for months. So yes, that goldfish definitely remembers the time you dropped your phone in the tank.

  • Bananas are berries. But strawberries? Not berries. Meanwhile, avocados and watermelons are berries. This is why scientists are not invited to fruit salads.

  • Your stomach doesn’t actually shrink when you eat less. But your willpower? That disappears instantly when someone brings free donuts.

  • A group of flamingos is called a “flamboyance.” This makes sense because flamingos absolutely look like they host exclusive yacht parties.

  • There’s no actual evidence that Vikings wore horned helmets. But at this point, we’ve all committed to the costume.

  • Carrots don’t actually improve your night vision. That was British propaganda during WWII. If you’ve been eating carrots for 20 years and still trip over furniture in the dark, now you know why.

  • The “five-second rule” is a lie. Bacteria do not carry tiny stopwatches.

  • Wombat poop is cube-shaped. No, this is not a joke. Science has confirmed that wombats are out here making artisanal geometric droppings.

  • Humans actually have more than five senses. We have at least nine, including balance, temperature, and the ability to sense when your phone is about to die.

  • Octopuses have three hearts. Which means they technically experience heartbreak three times harder than we do.

  • Sharks existed before trees. So next time you’re scared of a shark, just remember: that thing is an ancient, unstoppable nightmare.

  • A cloud can weigh over a million pounds. Yes, those fluffy white things floating overhead are basically sky whales.

  • The Eiffel Tower can grow taller in the summer. Heat expands metal, so it can be up to 6 inches taller when it’s warm. Global warming is just making Paris fancier.

  • There’s enough DNA in your body to stretch from the Earth to Pluto and back. And yet, somehow, you still can’t remember where you left your car keys.

  • Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than the building of the Great Pyramid. So technically, she could have been an Instagram influencer.

  • If you shuffle a deck of cards, it’s almost guaranteed to be in an order that has never existed before. Which is still less impressive than whatever magician stole your watch during that party.

  • Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire. This explains why every Oxford student looks like they’re 600 years old.

  • Your tongue rests on the roof of your mouth. And now you’re suddenly very aware of it. You’re welcome.

  • There are more fake flamingos in the world than real ones. We’re living in a lie.

  • You’ve been pronouncing “Dr. Seuss” wrong your whole life. It actually rhymes with “voice.” But don’t worry—he was too polite to correct anyone.

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