The Heimlich Maneuver Works—But Maybe Not for TikTok Views
If someone’s choking, don’t panic—unless you’re the one choking, then maybe panic a little. Just remember, performing the Heimlich properly saves lives. Performing it dramatically for social media saves embarrassment.CPR: Not Just for TV Dramas
Real CPR is exhausting. It’s less one heroic push and they gasp back to life and more you’re about to get a full-body workout while someone yells at you to keep going.Smoke Alarms Need Batteries, Not Wishful Thinking
A beeping smoke alarm means change the battery, not hit it with a broom until it shuts up.The Universal Sign for Choking Is Not “Flailing Around Wildly”
If someone is clutching their throat and turning blue, they’re not auditioning for a mime show—help them out!Your Phone’s Emergency Mode Is More Than Just a Way to Butt-Dial 911
Take five minutes to learn how to use it. Because when you actually need it, that’s not the time to be Googling “how to call emergency with one hand while on fire”.Sharks Hate Eye Contact—Which Means They’re Just Like That One Awkward Co-Worker
If you ever meet a shark, maintain eye contact and back away slowly. And if that fails, try convincing it you taste terrible.When in Doubt, Don’t Lick It
This applies to strange plants, mystery foods, and electrical outlets.If a Bear Is Chasing You, Running Won’t Help—But Screaming Won’t Either
Black bear? Fight back. Brown bear? Play dead. Polar bear? Say your goodbyes.Your GPS Won’t Save You from a Flooded Road
If the road is underwater, turn around. Unless you’re in a submarine, in which case, proceed with caution.“Expiration Dates” Are Not Just Friendly Suggestions
That yogurt from 2019? It’s not “aged dairy,” it’s a health hazard.First Aid Kits Work Better When They’re Not in the Back of a Junk Drawer
You don’t want to be bleeding out while digging through old batteries, 17 rubber bands, and a mystery key that unlocks nothing.If It Smells Like Almonds but You’re Not Near Almonds, Run
This could mean cyanide. Or an almond-scented candle. Either way, proceed with caution.Fire Extinguishers Are Useless If You’re Just Waving Them Around Like a Magic Wand
Aim at the base of the fire, not the concept of fire.Hydration Is Key, But So Is Knowing What Not to Drink
If you’re stranded in the wild, don’t drink ocean water, lake water, or that weird puddle behind the gas station.“I’ll Just Hold My Breath” Is Not a Good Rip Current Strategy
Swim parallel to shore. Otherwise, congratulations—you’ve become a human raft.Stay Away from the Light (Unless It’s the Refrigerator at 2 AM)
If you see bright lights after an accident, either you’re concussed or you’re about to have a conversation with your ancestors. Seek medical help immediately.If You Smell Gas, Don’t “Test It” With a Lighter
Trust your nose. Or enjoy your new life as a human firework.Your Car Emergency Kit Should Contain More Than Just Expired Granola Bars
Jumper cables, flashlight, first aid kit—because AAA might not be able to rescue you from your own poor planning.If Someone Says, “Trust Me, I Saw This on YouTube,” Run
Unless they are a certified expert, their “life-saving” knowledge is more likely to get you added to the emergency list.
There you go—19 ways to stay alive and avoid starring in an unfortunate news story. You’re welcome! 😂